Interview: Peter Cocker 2015

A strong ride in the Lincoln GP 2014 on his 19th birthday, Peter Cocker, a promising cat 1 rider in the CiCLE Classic for the first time, has grown up around cycling.   Seeing his Dad ride has influenced him greatly and he spent several years on the Witham Wheelers club runs at weekends.  Then as an under 16 he got into racing.

Peter said:

“I took part in the Lincoln Grand Prix for the first time in 2014 which has been a goal for several years as I said I could hang up my wheels once I had ridden that event when I was younger.  So to ride it on the day of my 19th birthday was a special ride.”



“With the circuit being the National Champs course this year I can’t wait to have a go up Michaelgate again.”


For Peter he has already achieved some of his targets, so it is a question of what’s next and what’s the motivation.  He replied:

“My biggest achievement last year was riding the Lincoln Grand Prix which was a big personal goal for me. Sadly I can’t say I was pleased with my result as I did have a nasty crash on the opening circuits which put me on the back foot for the remainder of the race.”

“So the chance to come back and ride it in The National Champs this year is a big goal for me.  Being on a local course I want to give the local guys someone to cheer in the front group and the U23 TT is also a big goal, but other than that I just want to win as many races as I can.”

He continued:

“My biggest source of motivation is giving something back to those who have helped me, like my parents giving up their weekends and the local shop PedalPushers who have been supporting me for the past couple of years.”

In terms of his involvement in The CiCLE Classic 2015, he said:

“I’m from Grantham which is just half an hour away from the CiCLE Classic course so we used to come and watch it every year on our club runs. I’ve watched it since I first started riding.”

“I rode the Under 16 kermesse a few years ago when I first got into racing. Then I rode the support kermesse in horrendous conditions and came 2nd despite having to run the last half a mile as I punctured.”

Why would you like to win the CiCLE Classic?

“I would like to win this race as it’s one of the few UCI events in this country I’m able to get a ride in and it’s a big local event.”

When we look back as to how it all began for Peter, it seems like a foray into triathlon may have triggered a more specialised focus into road cycling.

“I started off running cross country for a few years and then swimming and football like most kids these days. I also did triathlon for a couple of years but saw the light. Then I settled on cycling as my sport to pursue as it felt just right.”

He still has a lot of involvement with his local club in Grantham, Witham Wheelers, and often helps with the coaching sessions, but he now rides for Pedal Pushers a local road racing shop and he appreciates the support they have given him over the past couple of years.

When asked about what sort of rider he is, he said:

“I like a tough race in foul weather. I suit the hills well but I wouldn’t call myself a climber, I just like it hard.”

I think being a young British rider you have to look at the guys like Wiggins and Cav and admire what they’ve done but there’s no one in particular I admire to copy.

Peter is currently working at Wattbike but he is taking in his stride, the extra effort needed to get in the training and said:

“I’m up at 6 most mornings getting some core work done then I’ll do a session on the Wattbike in the evening which has seemed to work then I’m getting decent 3-6 hour rides in at the weekends.”

“I just want to see progression from last year and feel like all the hard work and sacrifices I’ve made have been worthwhile. And of course win a few races”

Looking to the future we asked him about his thoughts beyond 2015 and he said:

“I don’t like to plan for the future as you don’t know where you’re going to end up but I would love a national champs jersey at some point.”

Thanks for your time, Peter.

And we look forward to seeing you at the race

Press Room – Rutland-Melton International CiCLE Classic

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