Scot Gamble – first ever winner

Scott Gamble podium 2005

Scot Gamble on the podium in 2005 – Photo courtesy:

We spoke to Scot Gamble, first ever winner of the Rutland-Melton CiCLE Classic about the year he won and about what he’s doing now. Here’s what he had to say about his experiences…

Q: Scot, can you believe it’s 10 years since you won the CiCLE Classic, how did it feel to be the first ever winner?

Scot Gamble: “Pretty special at the time. It was amazing crossing the line and the crowds were fantastic.  It was one of those days where everything comes together.”

Q: People are inspired to take up sport in varying ways. How did you get into cycling originally?

Scot: “I started as a little kid and was inspired by my family, in particular my dad who used to race quite a lot, probably with Colin (Clews)!  I trained with Ashfield Road c.c. and still do.”

Q: How many hours a week training were you doing at that time?

Scot: “About 25hrs a week, I was also working.”

Q: So quite a commitment.  What motivated you when you were training all those hours?

Scot: “The year I won the CiCLE classic in 2005 was my comeback year – I had to give up a lot of time and family time.  I thought about winning a lot – I had a lot on the line.”

Q: For anyone who has never ridden the CiCLE Classic, what can they expect of the race?

Scot: “Probably one of the hardest of that type of race.  You have to be of a fairly decent level.  I loved the off-road sections.  In 2005 we were blessed with fairly good weather.  In other years since, it’s been quite rough weather wise.”

Q: Any predictions for this year’s winner? Ian Wilkinson?

Scot: “Oh yes he’s won it twice now hasn’t he, I’d have loved that. It’s one of these open, hard to predict races.  Once on the off-road sections, it’s the luck of the draw.  You need good form and no bad luck.”

Q: So how would you like to see the race develop?

Scot: “It’s fantastic, it’s getting bigger and bigger each year.  I’d like to see it as part of a series.”

Q: So what bike were you on when you won the CiCLE Classic?

Scot: “I was riding a Principia and it was my training bike.  Well, more precisely it was my racing bike from the year before.  My best bike, a carbon was really expensive and I didn’t want to thrash it on the course! I chose heavier tyres and luckily didn’t get any flats.”

Q: How was your bike different to what’s being ridden today?

Scot: “Not much has changed really.  I wouldn’t recommend carbon wheels for this race though because of the off-road sections.”

Q: So how many bikes do you own now?

Scot: “Well I own a bike shop, so all of them!  In reality 5 (+1 , of course)”


Scot Gamble ..First winner of the Rutland-Melton CiCLE

Q: Do you have a favourite?

Scot: “Probably the Merida”

Q: Where do you like to cycle now?

Scot: “I like Derbyshire for the climbs.  It’s handy living in Notts, I’m well located for the Lincolnshire flatlands too.  I like the Alps if we’re talking international.”

Q: So, what type of rider are you?

Scot: “I sprint well and climb pretty well too.  An all rounder really.”

Q: Looking back, what do you consider your career highlight?

Scot: “Definitely the Rutland CiCLE Classic, I’d have loved to have won it twice.”

Q: So, now you’re not currently racing, what are you doing now?

Scot: “I’m still obviously in to bikes in a big way.  I own Pro Bikes in Hucknall, Nottingham.”


Scot Gamble at his bike shop in Hucknall, today

Q: Who do you provide bikes for?

Scot: “We cater for everyone, the general public and people racing, so pop in and see us or give us a ring!”

Q: What cycling are you doing at the moment?

Scot: “We have a regular run out on a Sunday and last year we cycled to Blackpool and back in one day to raise funds for The Bluebell Ward Children’s Hospice in Sheffield.  It took us around 15hours. We’re also fundraising at the end of June this year for The Fountaindale Specialist School in Notts. Around 8 of us will be cycling from Nottingham to Wales (Llangollen) and back in one day around 210 miles.  So look out for us!”

IMG_0907Q: With the addition of the new Junior race at 9.00am on 27th April, do you have any advice for them at the inaugural race?

Scot: “One of the best things to do is go and recce the circuit where possible beforehand.  Learn all the twists and turns so you know what to expect.  Very valuable to know where all the feed zones and pits are, bearing in mind there are some sectors where cars can’t go.”

Q: Will you be at this year’s CiCLE Classic race?

Scot: “We do a club ride out most years to go and watch, so we’ll be there again this year. I always remember Owston”

Q: And have you any message to the organisers on their 10th anniversary?

Scot: “Yes, best of luck and hope it’s a good one in your 10th year.  Keep it going, you’re doing a fantastic job.  And I am proud to have been the first winner.”


Thanks for your time, Scot.  It’s great to catch up with you.  We’re delighted you were our first winner, we’ll look forward to seeing you on 27th April 2014.
Rutland-Melton CiCLE Classic

Twitter: @cicleclassic

Contact details: Scot Gamble
Pro Bikes – 171 Annesley Rd, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 7DB

Phone: 0115 956 1955  Email:

In addition, if you would like to help Scot and his team raise funds for The Fountaindale School, please contact him or the school

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