After a successful introduction of the Wymondham circuit in 2019, this new opening section will be repeated and developed to include a new off road section through Matamata farm on the edge of the village..
It aslo takes on extra importance as the Wymondham laps have been named the ‘Stuart Shaw Circuit’ in memory of Stuart, our former co-ocrdinator of our NEG security group since the race’s inception, who sady passed away after a shoret illness during the pandemic.
Unfortunately it has also be necessary since the map below was produced to OMIT the ‘Barleyberg’ Sector for this year. Sadly the exteme poor condition of part of that rioadway was more than the organisers even felt safe for riders and following vehicles!!
Remedial works by Rutland County Council to that section are planned for later in the year and the organisers feel confident that that section will be restored to the route in future editions of the race.
Route map
Detailed route 2024 and details of the roads affected by closures during the event.